Draw your graph:

function tarjan()
  for(v = 0 to graph.getVertCount())
function findSCC(v)
  disc[v] = discTime
  low[v] = discTime
  for each(neighbour of v)
      low[v] = min(low[v], low[neighbour])
    else if(onStack(neighbour))
      low[v] = min(low[v], disc[neighbour])
  if(low[v] == disc[v])
      elem = stack.pop()
    while(elem != v)
1. Mark all vertices as unvisited.
2. Run a Depth-first search on every unvisited vertex.
3. Whenever a DFS begins add the vertex it was run on to the stack.
4. Maintain two values (disc and low) for each vertex.
- disc stores the discovery time of the vertex
- low stores the lowest disc reachable from this vertex
5. Search for vertices with low[v] == disc[v], as these are the root nodes in the SCC.
6. Pop vertices from the stack until v from step 5 is on top. The popped vertices are the SCC with root v.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the stack is empty.

To draw a new vertex, simply click anywhere on the canvas above.
To create an edge between two vertices, click on the first vertex and then on the second one.
You can create a random graph by clicking on the 'Random' button above the canvas.
To clear the canvas, use the 'Clear' button.
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