No. of comparisons: 0 No. of swaps: 0
function partition(left, right)
  pivot = right
  i = left
  j = right - 1
  while(i < j)
    while(i < right && list[i] < pivot)
      i += 1
    while(j > left && list[j] > pivot)
      j -= 1
    if(i < j)
      swap(list[i], list[j])
  if(list[i] > list[pivot])
    swap(list[i], list[pivot])
  return i
function quicksort(left, right)
  if(left < right)
    p = partition(left, right)
    quicksort(left, p - 1)
    quicksort(p + 1, right)
1. Pick the last element as pivot
2. Reorder the array in the following way:
- All elements less than the pivot come before the pivot
- All elements greater than the pivot come after the pivot
3. Recursively apply the above steps to each sublist

5   50
Data Generation
Slow   Fast