No. of comparisons: 0 No. of swaps: 0
gap = length(list)
sorted = false
shrink = 1.3
while(sorted == false)
  gap = floor(gap/shrink)
  if(gap <= 1)
    gap = 1
    sorted = true
  i = 0
  while(i + gap < length(list))
    if(list[i] > list[i + gap])
      swap(list[i] > list[i+gap])
      sorted = false
    i += 1
1. Set gap to the length of the list, the shrink factor to 1.3 and sorted to false
2. Calculate the new gap (-> gap = floor(gap/shrink))
3. Iterate over the list and compare list[i] and list[i+gap]
- If list[i] is bigger than list[i+gap] swap the elements
4. Repeat 2 - 4 until the list is sorted

5   50
Data Generation
Slow   Fast